Remember Bacha

Private Policy

We would like to thank you for visiting our website and your interest in our programs and actions. Our organization, Tallinn University of Technology, located at Ehitajate tee 5, Estonia, is responsible for protecting your personal data, which are collected and used during your visit at our website and takes all the precautions necessary in order for you to feel safe during your browsing.

What's the purpose of the current Policy?

This policy has been drafted to inform the users of this website concerning the purpose, if collected, of personal data and by what means uses it. Transparency in our relationship with our visitors and our users is our main concern and our foundation in creating a relationship, based on mutual respect and confidence. At this point we would like to highlight the fact that this present Policy applies for all the information received from the Organization from the usage of this site but does not apply to other sites which we are affiliated or hosted on this site, that are controlled by third parties and are not affiliated with our Organization. Please read the Policy concerning personal data at the site you are visiting, because the organization has no responsibility and influence on the data or the procedures concerning the privacy of those locations.

What kind of data do we collect from you and for what reason?

A: Personal data may be asked from the site: When the visitor uses some features of the site, such as the registration for some services or access to specific data or settings or communication with some page or service. He/she may be requested to enter some personal information such as contact information, name and surname, e-mail, address, phone number, cell-phone number, username, password or Curriculum Vitae (CV).

B: When you visit our site, our server automatically records data concerning your visit, for example you I.P address, the site of redirection you might have entered, your browser, date and duration of your visit. The organization might, use your personal data for purposes of technical operation, Research and development of its website, to provide services and data to its users, and/or to inform you about its actions.

By what means are your personal data collected?

Our organization uses cookies for the collection of data in order to determine how its visitors uses its website. This technology helps in operating and upgrading the usage of this website in the creation of a friendly and better interface with the visitor. Cookies are small text files that a website saves on your computer or browsing device, upon visiting a website. By this the website remembers, for a short time your actions and preferences. By this means, the website remembers your actions and preferences, for a short time period, without the need of re-entering your preferences every time you visit or browse this site. You can check or even delete your cookies depending on your will. You can delete all the cookies which are saved on your computer, or even set your browser in such a way that it will not allow the set-up of cookies. However, in this situation you might need to adjust your preferences every time you visit a site, and it might also be possible that some features of the site will not be operational or have limited access.

Also, we would like you to know that this site uses Google Analytics, an analysis program which is provided from Google Inc. Google Analytics utilizes cookies, in order to determine how the users utilize this site. The information that are created, are transmitted and stored by Google at her servers located in the USA. Google will use these informations in order to evaluate this site, to draft reports concerning the site for the site administrators and for providing other services concerning this site and the usage of the internet. Google will not affiliate your IP address with other Data stored. You can deny the usage of cookies by setting your browser in the right manner, we would like to state that you might not have the full experience of our data or services.

To whom we share the data collected at our site?

The organization strictly follows the Law concerning the protection of personal data. The data you submit and are collected on the previously mentioned occasions, are never revealed at third parties by any means, they are not published nor they are a part of an economical endeavour from our side.

The organization pledges not to sell or to rent, publish at a third party of its users' or visitors' personal data with the following exceptions:

The organization might share collective data or information which don’t directly identify the users in order to upgrade the site, the actions and the advertisements.

The operation of the site, concerning the data-base management, maintenance services, analytical data, marketing services, e-mail messages or messages can be outsourced from the company to third parties. These third parties will have access to information concerning the visitors/users provided to complete, on our behalf, the tasks mentioned above. These third parties will operate only by our order under strict guidelines which are provided by the Privacy Law concerning the collection and process of these data.

Finally, the organization might publish your personal data at the authorities in such a manner stated by the Law.

What safety measures are taken in order to protect your information collected through our site?

Our organization has enforced all the technical and organizational safety measures to protect your personal data collected through our site, against any unauthorized entry, loss of data, or destruction of data.

How long do we keep your data?

We store your data for a period which is needed in order to accomplish data process which are stated in this Policy, only if there is a period stated by the current law.

What are your rights?

You have the right of access, which means the right to be informed, after you request it, if your personal data have been processed, and to receive more information about the current procession. You also have the right to request the correction of your personal data, if wrong, or the filling of them, if it is stated by the law. If there is a conflict in accordance of the Law you have the right to delete your personal data, the right to limit the procession of your data, the right of portability, and the right to process those data, please contact us.